37 Lives Changed

37 Lives Changed

Ten years ago Shining Light began to train women in the basics of sewing so that the women of Gilgit who had never had access to education could gain a valuable, employable skill. Throughout the one year training program every woman walks away with so much more that just their tangible sewing skills…they learn their worth and value as a woman, they gain basic literacy skills, and they learn that they have something to offer the world.  Over 500 women, have graduated from this program, and last month, the Women’s Vocational Training Center (WVTC) celebrated their 10th Graduation on 31st of August 2017 adding another 37 women whose lives will be forever changed.  28 women received a one year diploma and 9 women received a 6 month certificate.

The principal of the program was the host of the graduation ceremony and she emphasized the original vision of WVTC when it was formed ten years ago. She recalled that the vision is to empower women by;

  • Sharing the love of God with women so that they know they are loved and valued by Him and that they are equal to men.
  • Bringing harmony amongst women of all faiths and sects.
  • Teaching women different skills so that they can help their families rise out of poverty.

She shared the stories of the successful women who had previously graduated from WVTC and how their lives and communities had been transformed after receiving this training and reminded the graduates that they will always have the ongoing support of Shining Light as they pursue their goals.  All of the one year diploma holders were presented with a sewing machine as a graduation gift and a tool to achieve their dreams!

(Stay tuned on the blog this week, and subscribe below to hear several womens’ powerful stories of hope!)