Thank you, from Class 7

Thank you, from Class 7

 Back in February we asked you to help us to raise the funds needed for a computer lab and new classrooms for Grade 7.  With a goal of raising $15,000 and only a few short weeks to make it happen, we called on you to spread the word, and help us get there.  Not only did we receive enough funding for the Computer Lab, we also raised enough to  add on two classrooms for Grade 7, keeping our students in school at Shining Light Academy for an additional year.  To understand the significance of this achievement, you should know this:


In Pakistan, 68% of children do not continue on past Grade 6.

With these students continuing their education, they are now the minority of children who are pressing forward inPakistan, and receiving more opportunities for a brighter future.  Continuing their education is no small thing, and thanks to you, Shining Light Academy is able to make that happen for them.

Now into their third month of the new school year, Class 7 is thriving, learning computer skills, tackling science experiments, and dreaming about the opportunities that await them in the future.

They are so grateful to be able to be able to continue their education at Shining Light Academy and they wanted to say thank you:DSCN6805